Introductions are in order

Welcome to my blog! This is where I'll post updates, stories, and reflections from my 2 years as a Peace Corps volunteer in Benin. I offer no promises on the frequency of posts or their general character, but I promise to write in ways that avoid minutiae and lecturing.

The blog should be a good way for loved ones and those I know in the United States to feel connected with me. That being said, I know I'd enjoy a two-way street whenever possible. I don't expect you to create your own blog, but any updates you can share would be greatly appreciated once I've begun volunteering. Who knows, I may figure out a way to coordinate a snail mail system for those interested in staying connected that way. Stay tuned!

I still have 23 days before I go to Staging in DC, which will last two days before I fly out to Benin. I won't post anything until then, so in the meantime enjoy the rest of your summer!



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